Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Year in Review...

It's been exactly one year since I left my old life behind to go out on the road and trust in the Lord, to do what He would have me do, and to go where He would have me go. I suppose if He would have just come right out and said, "I want you to go live under your father's roof and authority like in biblical times and wear a head-covering as an outward sign of your respect for my governmental authority" I maybe would have run away like Jonah. Far, far away.

But the Lord gave me a well-deserved vacation first and then gently led me here, teaching me many things along the way. I am so very thankful for this opportunity to be in the wilderness and the many trials the Lord has put on me, to strengthen me and to bring about clean garments, and the peaceable fruits of righteousness. I thougtht I would list some of the posts of my travels for easy reading and review:

Escaping Egypt

The Journey Commences

View from a High Mountain

Side Quest - Northern California

Weekend Miracle

Robbing banks in Waldenport

Faithful in least

Waiting upon the Lord

Places of Refuge

Our Mighty Lord

Back to the mountain

Sometimes you only have to be willing...

Tried in the fire

Eagle Saints

visiting with the grandfolks

Seeking the Lord

Liar, Liar, pants on fire

No Looking back...

O me of little faith...

Two days or a month or a year...

My van is dead...

The values test

Back at the farm

my little cow problem

Waiting on the Lord

New month, new day, new van!

Which pretty much brings us to the present.

Thank you so much my wonderful Heavenly Father, for calling me on this grand adventure and teaching me the spiritual truths you have been teaching me. Thank you for the trials and tribulations that I count for joy, and for all the grace and mercy you give me to get through them. I LOVE YOU!!!! In the name of your son, Jesus Christ, Amen!

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