Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Typical Day


Get up between 4am – 5am – make coffee.

Take a shower and or wash dinner dishes

Make breakfast for my husband – yogurt, blueberries, sliced strawberries, banana

Empty his urine jug.

Walk the dog then feed her.

Make breakfast for myself before I start work.

Blog if there is time.

Log onto work early in case there are computer issues.

1st Break – Make my husband some toast. Floss and brush my teeth.


Lunch Break – Make lunch. Clean up. Feed the dog.


Last Break – wash breakfast and lunch dishes


Make dinner. Clean up afterwards. Walk the dog and Feed her.

Have a little time to read the news and blogs until I get tired. Go to bed.

Thank the Good Lord that I have a job, a roof over my head, pray for my husband's healing, pray for the dog – she is old, set in her ways and the heat and her hip have been bothering her. Pray for our country and all the people who just don't know any better. They will not know what hit them.

Rinse, Repeat.

Gotta get to work. Take care out there.


Cederq said...

My schedule is close, but I don't get before coffee does, say 7ish... You can save some time and take the dirty dishes in the shower with ya... just a thought. I too walk the dog, sometimes I think I am staff. I have a 10 pound Rottweiler and she eats, at times, I think I need to get her checked for a tape worm.

Is it getting hot there? Any shade on your RV? It is supposed to get 108 here by Friday. River time...

wendyworn said...

My favorite days are the days when I can actually have one cup of coffee before everyone else gets up.

Not going to take a shower with my dishes, but it is an interesting idea for saving water!

108! Holy weather manipulation! or unholy as the case may be. That is just too hot. No - we don't have any shade so we bake for the most part. Yes it has been super hot here, its weird that 73 degrees almost seems chilly...

I'll see your 10 lb rottweiler and raise you a 60 lb pure-blood beagle with an attitude problem. We think she may be getting dementia as well. speaking of which I have to go walk her right now!

Cederq said...

I had an Australian Shepard and would frequently take her in the shower with me to give her a bath, she was about 60, 70 pounds and when ya give a larger dog a bath, ya tend to get soaked too, so figured why not? I made it a game and she took to it as before would shy away from wanting a bath... Now I just stick my pup in the sink, still get soaked,, but it is easier and she has a attitude and a temper, Guido will be 14 this Aug 25th.